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シンクタンク出身、広告業界育ち、その後、テレビ、ネット、イベントなどメディアを問わずコンテンツに携わるに至りました。 わかりやすく言うと #Catalyst としてあちこちの顧問などしています。 EXCELLENT COMMUNICATION STRATEGY
- Communication Planning & Products for Asia. Tokyo Japan -
This blog was made for English speakers. If you want more information about me, plz check below.
About me (English ver)
KO N NI CHI WA, hello and welcome to my blog. It is my pleasure to introduce my self to you all. Sit back, relax and ready your favorite cup of coffee and please read on. My name is ISHIYAMA Joe. Single, gentle, well-fit 6'10", open minded Japanese male. I am originally from Fukushima-city, Fukushima-prefecture. More than a decade ago, I have moved to Tokyo-city. I am proud to announce my job is full of variety. I am a writer, a media consultant, a marketing planner, TV program and exhibition event and website producer and so on. Moreover, my eager to expand my job-field with you in someday. - - - When I was still a student of (Department of Economics) Fukushima Uni. , I have established the first cross-industrial association society which called "Fuzzy Club" in the districts. It was the first flint-spark of dealing with a planning and administration through many exhibition events at that time. Then I moved to big City, Tokyo, and I have learnt the basics of planning such as marketing, communication in General Pia Institute and Culture Co,.Ltd. Pia Institute is well-known of the biggest computerized networking ticketing as well as its publishes. It was a great opportunity and left great effects to my career at Pia. Although my all-time eager and aim was to leave the firm and being independent. So I did! Mainly I was dealing with communication strategy in major advertising agencies, and such as United Nations of Asian-Environment NGO "OISCA International". Just to give you a tip of source, "Environmental calendar" was prized and acquired by Environmental Minister of State. From year 1999, my enthusiasm is fueled by enormous variety of work. To start with, "Bible X (pronounced Bible Ex) - Ura-Harajuku* complete guide" (Natsume Shobo Publishing)" was my virgin work as an author. This uniquely analyzed book contains full of "Ura-Harajuku" youth culture and its myth. [*"Ura-Harajuku" means Off-Harajuku. Now-a-days world wide recognizable BATHING APE is where it started at.] It flickered my interests and further more activity as a writer came along with, website produce of Tokyo Electric Company in Internet Exhibition (a.k.a. INPAK,) as well as produce business on TV programs such as BS Asahi "Hello Neighbors." Recently, I have expanded even more of my activity. While I associated with advertising agency and productions, I, Joe ISHIYAMA as a "master of communication consultant, and its planner" deal with border-less type of industry and field. From the year 2004, produce and actually do business coordinate for variety of industry. Steady my foothold in Tokyo, and focus to major Asian cities; Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong, Seoul, Singapore, Taipei and more of East Asia. I might be flying longer than a part-time cabin crew (joke!) - - - Phew! You got to know me quite well, now. Thank you all for reading my page. If you find me interesting, please do not hesitate to send me an Email, flowers and anything SWEETS :) Ah, mind you, I am more than happy to receive much gift from you all. So, if you would like to send signed blank check and/or Platinum Amex, just let me know :) Ha ha ha...joke. By the way, no matter what language speaker you are, our friendship and/or partnership is just around the corner. So, please do not worry. At least, I know that you are interested in my work and/or my life-work, that REALLY counts. Again, thank you for your time and hope to get in touch with you soon.
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石山城 ISHIYAMA Joe 東京都在住。福島県福島市出身。メディアコンサルタント、マーケティングプランナー、テレビ番組やイベントやウェブなどのプロデュース各種、著述業。